Аудио интерфейс Steinberg UR824
24 x 24 USB 2.0 audio interface with 8x D-PREs, 24-bit/192 kHz support & JetPLL
The UR824 interface conveys pristine, transparent audio quality through various analog and digital I/O formats, offering convenience for studio and stage alike. Connecting to Mac or PC via high-speed USB 2.0, the rackmountable UR824 boasts 24 channels with 8 premium D-PRE mic preamps alongside its dspMixFx technology for latency-free monitoring with effects, also available as native VST 3 plug-ins.
UR824 features at a glance
24-bit/192kHz 24×24 USB 2.0 audio interface
With a sampling rate of 192kHz and a resolution of 24 bits, the UR824 is state of the art in every sense of the word.
Eight Class A D-PRE mic preamp
Yamaha’s highly-acclaimed D-PRE preamps deliver a truly transparent and beautifully detailed sound that is unrivaled in this class.
Latency-free DSP-powered monitoring with REV-X reverb, Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip and Guitar Amp Classics.
2 pairs of ADAT optical I/O
2 pairs of ADAT optical I/O provide 16 ins and outs (S/MUX compatible, 4 in and 4 out @ 192kHz)
JetPLL ultra-low jitter support
JetPLL provides the same performance as traditional, expensive clocking solutions found in the world’s best clocking products.
Compatible with major recording software
The UR824 is compatible with all major audio editing, mastering, and music production software supporting ASIO, Core Audio, or WDM standard.
iOS connectivity
The CC mode* provides connectivity with the iPad and iPhone through Apple’s iPad Camera Connection Kit or Lightning to USB camera adapter.
Cubase AI included
Based on the same core technologies as the popular Cubase DAW, Cubase AI offers an intuitive feature set for composing, recording, editing and mixing.
Cubasis LE included
Cubasis LE is a streamlined version of Steinberg’s popular iOS music production app, offering professional music production on your iPad.
Basic FX Suite
Basic FX Suite VST 3 plug-in bundle, consisting of three software components: Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip, REV-X and Guitar Amp Classics.
Pure sound for your music
Inputs and outputs as far as the eye can see
The UR824’s front panel hosts two Neutrik combo TRS/XLR connectors for balanced microphone/line input with switchable 48 volt phantom power and Hi-Z, pad push buttons for signal attenuation, gain controls with peak indicators. On the right hand side there’s a single output level rotary knob that allows you to easily adjust the levels of the eight line output signals alongside two headphone connectors, each with a dedicated level control. The output signal to be controlled by the front panel rotary is selected through the software.
The rear panel provides six Neutrik combo TRS/XLR inputs and eight analog balanced TRS outputs as well as two pairs of optical ADAT inputs and outputs. Also on board are two BNC connectors for switchable word clock input and output. Developed by using advanced technologies to offer seamless scalability, this mixing and recording interface offers options to expand the number of analog inputs and outputs across the system via ADAT to provide up to 24 input and output channels.
Best setups for your gear
With its expanded I/O capabilities, the UR824 interface lets you hook up a vast number of equipment and instruments, the signals of which can also be fed via its high-speed USB 2.0 link to your computer for mixing and recording at a maximum audio resolution of 24 bits and 192 kHz.
And with the free update to version 2, the UR824 also works with the iPad or iPhone through Apple’s iPad Camera Connection Kit or Lightning to USb camera adapter allowing you to record up to four input channels in an iOS audio application, such as Steinberg’s iPad-based Cubasis app.
Excellent sound, swift workflow
The UR824 is a recording and production solutions for ambitious musicians and professional engineers alike. Connections required for studios such as word clock and ADAT plus a range of Neutrik combo connectors are at hand. Also on board are EQ and compression tools in the form of the Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strips on each channel, not to forget the REV-X plug-in that provides quality reverb for modifying the intricacy of a sonic space. The UR824’s eight line outputs offer full support for surround productions up to 7.1.
Keep on rockin’
The UR824 is a perfect solution for band recording. Mount the UR824 in your rack and with the range of channels and connectors, pick up all the band’s instruments and vocals and record and mix them in Cubase AI or your preferred DAW. For live rigs, the UR824 offers inputs and outputs over a variety of formats, the two pairs of ADAT of which provide additional I/O expansion capability. Connect either to two 8-channel mic preamps with ADAT outputs or two UR units in standalone mode to get a stunning 24 channels for recording an entire rock band setup.
iPad connectivity and free dspMixFx app
With the latest firmware updates, the UR824 introduces iPad connectivity and the free dspMixFx app alongside some other new features. Together with the UR824, the dspMixFx app allows you to utilize the benefits of Yamaha’s custom-designed SSP2 DSP chip directly on your iPad. The dspMixFx app provides latency-free monitoring while running the highly acclaimed REV-X reverb, the Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip and Guitar Amp Classics with other iOS audio apps.
- 24 Input / 24 Output
- 8 Analog and 16 ADAT I/O Channels
- 8 Microphone Preamps
- Version 2 Update
- Guitar Amp Classics Effect Bundle
- Latency-free DSP-Powered Monitoring
- Phantom Power
- Cubase AI Software
- 1U Rack Mount
- Mac OS X, Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Документи и драйвери
В кутията
Steinberg UR824 – USB 2.0 Digital Audio Interface
- External Power Supply
- USB Cable
- Software CD-ROM
- Software DVD-ROM
2 години.
За производителя
Steinberg Gmbh е немска компания основана през 1984г. oт Карл Стайнберг и Манфред Рюруп в град Хамбург. Тя проектира и произвежда софтуер за звукозапис, аранжиране и редактиране, звукови карти и контролери. Първият им продукт е MIDI секвенсера Steinberg Pro 16 за Commodore 64. Компанията променя името си от Steinberg Research на Steinberg Soft – und Hardware GmbH, а няколко години извършва дейност в САЩ и под името Steinberg North America, Inc. През януари 2003 г. е купена от американската фирма Pinnacle Systems, в рамките на която действа като независима компания, произвеждаща своите продукти, преди да бъде продадена на Yamaha през декември 2004г. Откакто е основана през 1984г., Steinberg постоянно преминава границите на възможностите на дигиталния звук. Революционните технологии на Steinberg предлагат гъвкави, достъпни като цена и интуитивни начини за реализирането на вашия пълен творчески и професионален потенциал.
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