4x140W Power Amplifier Offering superb sound quality, the ART SLA-4 studio linear power amplifier delivers the clean power you need for any professional audio application including project or professional studio environments or commercial sound installations.1150,00 лв.
Конзола за видео и аудио продукция с мощни възможности за обработка и производство на аудио-видео продукции.2300,00 лв.
Линейно двойно аудио захранване със супер ниско ниво на шум, с µFilter и сензорна технология.2100,00 лв.
Ефектен, компактен и лесно преносим активен DC филтър, осигуряващ изолиране, регулиране и филтриране на изходни сигнали от всеки 12-волтов DC захранващ източник.1080,00 лв.
ARC USB е USB 1.1 (UAC1) MIDI дистанционно управление съвместимо с Windows и Mac OS X.310,00 лв.
The RME WCM MKII (Word Clock Module) adds a word clock input and output in professional quality to the DIGI96 series cards.229,00 лв.
Sigma δelta seamlessly brings the analogue joy of mixing on an SSL console into your DAW dominated workflow.8562,00 лв.
Matrix2 is the ideal console/controller for your hybrid production studio.43150,00 лв.
XLR Balanced Patch Bay. Ideal for any live PA rack, studio rack or fixed installation where easy access to XLR inputs are required, the ART P16 brings all rear-mounted XLR inputs from various devices to one, convenient single space rackmountable location.240,00 лв.
ARC Studio комбинира самостоятелен коригиращ процесор, нов измервателен софтуер ARC 4 и микрофон за анализ на стаята.640,00 лв.
ARC Studio комбинира самостоятелен коригиращ процесор, нов измервателен софтуер ARC 4 и микрофон за анализ на стаята.570,00 лв.
SPL Reducer – reduces the output power of guitar or bass amplifiers. Enjoy the rich tube sound and full power amp distortion of your favorite amp even at room volume.840,00 лв.
The ART MX821S is a versatile rack mount mixer combining eight independent input channels into a stereo line-level output.490,00 лв.
Direct Box Active е най-подходящ за инструменти с пасивни звукозаписи, особено акустични инструменти. Може да работи и в „пасивен“ режим.375,00 лв.
Direct Box Passive is best for balancing the signal of instruments with active electronics, but still performs extremely well on passive pickups.284,00 лв.
The ART Phantom II Pro provides clean, reliable phantom power for one or two condenser microphones in a rugged, compact, and portable unit.190,00 лв.
Class-A Summing Mixer – The SPL MixDream is a cascadable 16-in-2 summing device that adds Class-A stereo summing, extensive analog insert functionality, stereo expander, limiter and switchable transformers to any DAW.6290,00 лв.
The SPL MixDream is a cascadable, 16-in-2 analog summing device that expands any DAW with high-grade analog stereo summing functionality.2580,00 лв.
The SPL SMC 5.1 is the industry standard for 5.1 surround monitoring. It combines analog 6-channel volume control with speaker management for 5.1 surround and stereo sources.1570,00 лв.
The Manley Nu Mu Stereo Limiter Compressor uses the special T-Bar mod tube front end of the legendary Variable Mu®.6100,00 лв.
Manley CORE – an innovative channel strip that combines Manley’s Greatest Hits with fresh technology.4900,00 лв.
This single channel Manley Mid Freqency EQ is the secret weapon for vocal, guitar, snare and all the other midrange instruments that are the meat of the mix.6100,00 лв.
The MANLEY ENHANCED PULTEC EQP-1A is our own interpretation of the historic Pultec Equalizer as originally produced by Pulse Techniques, Inc.6100,00 лв.
The MANLEY ENHANCED PULTEC EQP-1A is our own interpretation of the historic Pultec Equalizer as originally produced by Pulse Techniques, Inc.9300,00 лв.
Идеалното решение за прехвърляне на всяка колекция от винили на вашия компютър или лаптоп.220,00 лв.