Конвертор RME ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition
ПрепоръчителноРеферентният AD/DA конвертор на RME е сбор от устройства, всички събрани в едно, с автоматизиран начин за използване.3299,00 лв. -
Висок клас DA конвертор и усилвател за слушалки с ESS чип (от юни 2021 г.)2399,00 лв.
RME ADI-2 FS is a both compact and extremely flexible 2-Channel Hi-End AD/DA-converter.1390,00 лв.
RMEs ADI-6432 offers 64 channels of format conversion from MADI to AES and vice versa.6350,00 лв.
RME ADI-6432R BNC provides 64 channels of format conversion from MADI to AES-3id and vice versa.8600,00 лв.
RME AVB Tool комбинира MADI и детерминистично AVB мрежово аудио с четири високопрецизни входа за микрофони, инструменти и ниво на аудио сигнала, плюс изходи за слушалки и отделно ниво на аудио сигнала.3099,00 лв.
RME proudly presents a new generation of top-class microphone, line and instrument preamp, hi-end A/D converter, digital patchbay and format converter.3830,00 лв.
RME’s M-16 AD is a 16-channel high-end AD converter, easy to operate yet having a comprehensive feature set.5800,00 лв.
Дигитално-аналогов конвертор RME M-16 DA
Специална ценаRME’s M-16 DA is a 16-channel high-end DA converter, easy to operate yet having a comprehensive feature set.5220,00 лв. -
RME’s M-32 DA is a 32-channel high-end DA converter, easy to operate yet having a comprehensive feature set.6590,00 лв.
RME’s M-32 AD is a 32-channel high-end AD converter, easy to operate yet having a comprehensive feature set.6590,00 лв.
RME DMC-842 е както 8-канален AES42 интерфейс, така и контролер за цифрови микрофони.7600,00 лв.
RME’s ADI-8 QS is an 8-Channel hi-end AD/DA converter with an unrivalled bunch of features.5070,00 лв.
MADI (Multi-channel Audio Digital Interface) is an established standardised audio format that can carry up to 64 channels of audio in a single cable connection.1210,00 лв.
The VERTO32 is a high-quality solution to connect a wide range of ADAT equipment to a Dante/AES67 network with up to 96 kHz. The ultra-compact device is an easy way, to enable Dante connectivity to an existing live or studio setup.1250,00 лв.
The ADI-642, an 8-Channel format converter from MADI to AES and vice versa, is the latest addition to RMEs successful MADI series. Amongst other applications, the unit can serve as ideal AES/EBU frontend for the Hammerfall DSP MADI PCI card.4180,00 лв.
The MADI Converter converts MADI digital audio streams from optical format to coaxial and from coaxial to optical. The compact 19″ housing with 1 unit height contains six fully independent bi-directional converters.3800,00 лв.
Micro DAC is a USB digital-to-analog (DAC) converter with two outputs, one analog and one digital (optical).179,00 лв.