MIDI контролер Roli Lightpad M BLOCK
Make music on a smooth, illuminated surface that fits in the palm of your hand. Play beats. Shape melodies. Control sound just by touching the super-sensitive, surface of a next-generation MIDI controller. The free ROLI PLAY app helps you get started.
- On one dynamic surface you can play beats, basslines, chords, and melodies — and tie them all together to make amazingly multi-layered songs.
- On the Lightpad Block’s tactile surface, you shape sounds and make music with Five Dimensions of Touch (5D Touch). Expression is right at your fingertips, so you can bring any musical idea to life.
Lightpad M pairs with desktop and mobile sound engines that include hundreds of high-resolution sounds ranging from strings to drums. They’re all custom-made for MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) on the Lightpad Block’s unique surface. Explore sound packs from sound designers and renowned artists like Pharrell, Grimes, and RZA.
- MIDI pad controller
- Wireless and portable
- Touch responsive soft silicon surface
- Desktop software included: Equator Player, Ableton Live Lite and TracktionLED illumination reconfigures the surface for different notes and scales
- Get started with free iOS apps: the beginner-friendly ROLI PLAY or the powerful NOISE app.
- Desktop software included: Equator Player, Ableton Live Lite and Tracktion Waveform
- Hundreds of sounds in NOISE and Equator Player
- Connects to Seaboard Block and other ROLI BLOCKS
В кутията
- Lightpad Block
- USB-C to USB-A Cable
- Quick Start Guide
За производителя
Roli e английска фирма със седалище в Лондон. Фирмата е създадена през 2009 година от Roland Lamb, който е джаз музикант, дизайнер и пътешественик. С продуктовата серия The Seaboard Roli правят първите си революционни крачки. С тях Roli печели първата си награда за музикален инструмент. Roli създават нов дизайн на кийборд с интерактивена повърхност чрез тъч докосване. Seaboard контролерите могат да звучат по различен начин като различни инструменти.
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Гаранция за физическо лице: 24 м. (гаранцията не важи за аксесоари и кабели)Безплатна доставка при поръчка на стойност над 100 лв.Проверка на пратката и 14 дни право на връщане.
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