Аудио софтуер Steinberg Nuendo EDU (Latest Educational Version)


Условия за закупуване

ВНИМАНИЕ! Тази версия на софтуера може да бъде закупенa само при определени условия, посочени от производителя. Ако желаете да закупите версията EDU (Educational), е необходимо да представите документ, с който да удостоверите обучението си в съответното учебно заведение и специалност. Свържете се с нас за допълнителна информация.

Nuendo leads innovation in every aspect of audio-to-picture work. Providing unique features for game audio production, TV and film post-production workflows, Nuendo 8 provides more dedicated capabilities for these industries than any other audio software, ranging from integration with game middleware over re-conforming through to automatic dialog recording (ADR).

Nuendo covers every aspect of audio-to-picture work, be it in game audio, TV or film post-production. Functions include direct connection to the Audiokinetic Wwise middleware, in-built reconforming solution for audio-to-picture alignment, VCA fader support, advanced project collaboration tools, as well as rendering options for handling large amounts of audio files.

The software also comes with an updated user interface offering improved window handling and a customizable workspace for an intuitive workflow. Additional effect plug-ins and an enhanced overall program performance round out the feature set.

  • Game Audio Connect provides direct connection to the Audiokinetic Wwise game audio middleware, including integration with Perforce version management
  • Fully integrated re-conforming solution for automatic audio-to-picture alignment including preview functions
  • Advanced project collaboration for an easy exchange of audio tracks including audio files and program data between several Nuendo projects
  • VCA fader support for working with large mixing projects on a second mixing layer
  • Render Export and Render-in-place allow for easy rendering of an individual selection of audio files including naming conventions to a hard drive or to the same Nuendo project
  • 50fps Timecode support as well as a new Timecode entry scheme within the transport bar
  • Metadata of audio events is now not only displayed in the info line, but also shown in the event itself
  • New MIDI tempo detection allows playing onto a MIDI track with the feature reconstructing any tempo change in the performance and aligning it to the grid for further editing
  • Plug-in manager provides the ability to arrange, sort and group effects and instruments either at the top level or in custom submenus, making finding plug-ins easier
  • VST Connect SE allows for recording audio and MIDI data over the internet with a redesigned graphic user interface that is fully integrated into Nuendo’s control room cue send system
  • New effects and updated plug-ins including Multiband Expander, Multiband Envelope Shaper, VST Bass Amp, Quadrafuzz v2, and more
  • Improved windows handling paradigm including a new workspace organizer as well as new rack zone with dockable MediaBay
  • Vastly improved program performance, faster load times and a smoother program behavior
  • Design overhaul including redesigned track list and Inspector, enhanced channel strip EQ

Допълнителна информация

Документи за сваляне и драйвери
В кутията
  • Steinberg Nuendo – Audio Post-Production Software Environment (Retail)
  • 2 x Installation DVDs
  • USB e-Licenser

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За производителя

Steinberg Gmbh е немска компания основана през 1984 г. oт Карл Стайнберг и Манфред Рюруп в град Хамбург. Тя проектира и произвежда софтуер за звукозапис, аранжиране и редактиране, звукови карти и контролери. Първият им продукт е MIDI секвенсера Steinberg Pro 16 за Commodore 64. Компанията променя името си от Steinberg Research на Steinberg Soft – und Hardware GmbH, а няколко години извършва дейност в САЩ и под името Steinberg North America, Inc. През януари 2003г. е купена от американската фирма Pinnacle Systems в рамките на която действа, като независима компания, произвеждаща своите продукти, преди да бъде продадена на Yamaha през декември 2004 г. Откакто е основана през 1984 г., Steinberg постоянно преминава границите на възможностите на дигиталния звук. Революционните технологии на Steinberg предлагат гъвкави, достъпни като цена и интуитивни начини за реализирането на вашия пълен творчески и професионален потенциал.

Код: 10180 On Back Order
900,00 лв.
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