RODE SC3 е висококачествен екраниран адаптер, предназначен да свързва микрофона RODE SmartLav с камери и аудио рекордери с 3,5 mm TRS вход.21,00 лв.
RODE SC4 е висококачествен екраниран 3,5 mm TRS към TRRS адаптер.21,00 лв.
3,5 mm „женски“ TRS към „мъжки“ XLR адаптер, който преобразува 12-48 V фантомно захранване в 3-5 V plug-in захранване.46,00 лв.
Женски TRS мини жак към мъжки XLR адаптер за свързване на RODE микрофони с 3,5 mm изход към устройства с XLR вход.79,00 лв.
RODE VXLR е 3,5 mm TRS Mini Jack (женски) към мъжки XLR адаптер за свързване на микрофони с 3,5 mm изход към записващо устройство с XLR входове.17,00 лв.
The RODE SC6 is an input/output breakout box for smartphones and tablets.25,00 лв.
The MiCon connector system provides seamless integration between the RODE HS1 headset, PinMic and Lavalier microphones and a wide range of wireless systems.62,00 лв. – 75,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset,PinMic and Lavalier microphones and a wide range of wireless systems.30,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset, PinMic and Lavalier microphones.30,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset,PinMic and Lavalier microphones and a wide range of wireless systems.37,00 лв.
The RODE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RODE HS1 headset,PinMic and Lavalier microphones.54,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset, PinMic and Lavalier microphones.54,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset, PinMic and Lavalier microphones.37,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset,PinMic and Lavalier microphones.37,00 лв.
The RØDE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RØDE HS1 headset, PinMic and Lavalier microphones.30,00 лв.
The RODE MiConTM connector system provides seamless integration between the RODE HS1 headset, PinMic and Lavalier microphones and a wide range of wireless systems.37,00 лв.
Адаптор DPA DAD6003 за Sennheiser SK 50/250/3063/5012/6000/9000.166,00 лв.
Bespeco SLAD215 – аdapter connector from DIN-5 poles male plug to 3,5mm. stereo jack female socket.8,00 лв.
Adapter connector from 3,5mm. mono jack male plug to 2X 6,3mm. mono jack female sockets.12,00 лв.
Adapter connector from Cannon Male to RCA socket.12,00 лв.
Adapter connector from 6,3 mono jack male plug to DIN 5-poles female socket.9,00 лв.
Bespeco BT480 – adapter cable made with plastic stereo jack 3,5 mm and plastic stereo jack socket 6,3 mm.8,00 лв.
Adapter connector from 6,3 mm mono jack plug to cannon female.18,00 лв.
Bespeco, Silos Adaptor series, XLR Female – XLR Female.15,00 лв.